Choral Eucharist – Epiphany 5 – 6 February 2022

A sermon given by The Most Reverend Geoffrey Smith, Archbishop of Adelaide and Metropolitan of South Australia, to mark the Platinum Anniversary of the Accession of Her Majesty the Queen

Luke 22.24-30

Lord, among my words may […]


Annual Vestry Meeting 2022

This important meeting will take place in the Cathedral on Sunday 27 March 2022, beginning at 12 noon. 
Please find the minutes from the 2021 Vestry Meeting here:Signed minutes from 21 March 2021
Please find the agenda […]

News, Publications|

Choral Evensong – Lent 3 – 20 March 2022

A sermon given by The Reverend Dr Lynn Arnold AO, Honorary Assistant Priest


May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be worthy in your sight, […]


Eucharist – Lent 3 – 20 March 2022

A sermon given at the 8am BCP Eucharist and 10.30am Choral Eucharist on Sunday 20 March, by The Rev’d Canon Jenny Wilson, Precentor

In the name of God, creating redeeming, sanctifying, … Amen.

As we gather on […]


Choral Evensong – Lent 2 – 13 March 2022

A sermon given by The Reverend Joan Claring-Bould, Honorary Assistant Priest

The Second in the Lent Sermon Series on Reconciliation

“I set before you this day life and death; choose life.” Deut. 30:19-20

When we contemplate life in […]


Eucharist – Lent 2 – 13 March 2022

A sermon given at the 8am BCP Eucharist and 10.30am Choral Eucharist on Sunday 13 March, by The Right Rev’d Chris McLeod, Dean

Philippians 3:17-4:1

17Brothers and sisters, join in imitating me, and observe those who live […]


Choral Evensong – Lent 1 – 6 March 2022

A sermon given by The Right Reverend Chris McLeod, Dean

The First in the Lent Sermon Series on Reconciliation: Reconciliation and First Nations Peoples

During Lent the preachers at evensong will explore the theme of reconciliation. Reconciliation […]

Eucharist – Lent 1 – 6 March 2022

A sermon given at the 8am BCP Eucharist and 10.30am Choral Eucharist on Sunday 6 March, by The Rev’d Dr Lynn Arnold AO


May the words of my mouth and the […]


6pm Choral Eucharist – Ash Wednesday – 2 March 2022

A sermon given by The Right Reverend Chris McLeod, Dean

‘Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return’

The heart of Lent

Being reminded that we are dust and to dust we shall return may […]


Eucharist – Epiphany 8 – 27February 2022

A sermon given by the Rev’d Canon Jenny Wilson

Isaiah 55:10-13Luke 6:39-49

She was standing in front of St Michael’s Cathedral, arms outstretched, in the city where she lived, praying it seemed to Christ and the saints […]
