Photo: Mike Hemus Photography
St Peter’s Cathedral, one of Adelaide’s most famous and iconic landmarks, is an ideal setting for weddings. This Neo-Gothic building with its towers, spires, beautiful architecture, ornate furniture, magnificent pipe organ, stained glass windows, and traditional interior makes for a perfect setting.
The Anglican Church’s wedding serves are beautifully worded, and at St Peter’s they are conducted with a deep respect for God and the people getting married.
Marriage is a Christian ceremony in which the couple, with their friends and family, ask for God’s blessing on their married life together.
The Anglican Church explains that marriage is a gift from God our creator and is a symbol of God’s unending love for his people. Marriage is a lifelong partnership, uniting two people in heart, mind and body and is to be honoured by all and should be entered into responsibly and joyfully, with mutual respect and the promise to be faithful.
You are encouraged to come in and have a look around the Cathedral, it is open Tuesday – Friday, 10:30am – 3:30pm, and Mondays 10:30am – 1pm. We also recommend that you attend a service of worship at the Cathedral, to experience our worship, hear the organ and choir, and meet some of the people who belong to our community.
When are Weddings held at the Cathedral?
Most weddings are on Saturdays at either 1:30 pm or 3:30 pm. It is also possible to have your wedding on a weekday.
Weddings are not held from the Saturday before Palm Sunday to the Saturday after Easter, inclusive.
What will the service be like?
The order of service from A Prayer Book for Australia is used. Weddings at St Peter’s Cathedral are conducted by one of the Cathedral clergy. Other clergy may be invited to participate at the discretion of the Dean.
What preparation is involved?
- You will meet several times with the priest who conducts your wedding – to give you a chance to get to know each other and to cover the legal requirements.
- You and your wedding party (including the attendants to the bride and groom) will meet in the Cathedral just before the wedding for a rehearsal.
- You will also be encouraged to attend an external course of preparation.
Must I be an Anglican to be married in St Peter’s Cathedral?
Not necessarily. St Peter’s Cathedral offers hospitality to the community, although we would welcome you to join our vibrant and loving community, so that we can support you in your life together.
At least one of you must, however, be a baptised Christian. If you are not baptised, and would like to explore the possibility, the first step is to begin worshiping regularly. You will also be welcome to join one of the regular opportunities offered for baptism into our Church family.
I am divorced, can I be married in St Peter’s Cathedral?
Yes, you can, but you will need to discuss the process with the Dean. You will need the permission of the Archbishop of Adelaide and be a worshipping member of an Anglican Church plus complete documentation at least 3 months before your wedding.
Marriage Equality
St Peter’s Cathedral welcomes all people irrespective of gender, race, religion, social standing or sexual orientation. However, we are bound by the Constitution and Laws of the Anglican Church of Australia. At the moment, neither the Constitution, nor the Laws of the Church allow for the marriage of people of the same gender, even though the Laws of Australia have recently changed.
I want to be married in St Peter’s Cathedral, what do I do next?
Contact the Cathedral Office to make an appointment to meet with a member of the Cathedral Clergy staff. At the interview you will book a date for your wedding and be given a booklet which will give you more details information about the order of service, costs, music, reading etc. You will receive more information about further preparation for your wedding and your life together. Bring with you:
- Your baptism certificates
- Possible dates to consider
What will it cost?
A non-refundable booking fee is payable upon receipt of your application form to secure your booking. The booking fee for Weddings to be held in 2025 is $150.
The cost of a wedding at St Peter’s Cathedral (not including the above booking fee) is $2,935 for weddings in 2025, and $3,080 for 2026.
This includes:
- The use of the Cathedral (administration costs, preparation of Government documentation & certificates)
- The priest conducting your wedding
- Cathedral organist
- Flowers (usually 1 arrangement at the nave altar)
- Virger
- Rehearsal
- Confetti bond ($200 refunded if no confetti, rice or rose petals are thrown)
Optional Extras:
- The Cathedral choir trebles (not available during school holidays): 2025: $720 | 2026: $750
- Bells (if ringers are available): 2025: $570 | 2026: $600
- Organist’s rehearsal with a soloist (if required): 2025: $100 | 2026: $105
An invoice will be sent by the Finance Officer approximately 6 weeks before the wedding date.
Wedding Gallery
- Photography after the service
- Bridal Entry
- Vows
- Arrival of the Bride
- The Service
- Wedding Flowers