GIVINGSt Peter's Cathedral2025-03-26T15:08:59+10:30
To give to the Cathedral via debit/credit card, please click HERE.
You will be redirected to a page away from the Cathedral website.
Once you have donated, you will be directed back.
Use Direct Credit to donate to the Cathedral
BSB 705-077 Account Number 00000106
(please include your name as reference)
Conservation and Restoration
To give a Tax Deductible donation to support the conservation and restoration of the Cathedral via The National Trust of South Australia – simply visit and select “St Peter’s Cathedral Conservation Appeal” from the drop-down menu.
St Peter’s Cathedral Music Foundation
To give a Tax Deductible donation to the St Peter’s Cathedral Music Foundation
using a debit/credit card, please click HERE.
You will be redirected to a page away from this website.
Once you have donated, you will be directed back.
Use Direct Credit to give a Tax Deductible donation
to the St Peter’s Cathedral Music Foundation
BSB 705-077 Account Number 00000193
(please include your name as a reference)
For Direct Debit or other means of giving,
please contact the Cathedral Office on 8267 4551.