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So far St Peter's Cathedral has created 809 blog entries.

Night Prayer – Epiphany – 5 January 2025

It was John Wesley, in the dark place where he had found himself, searched for a shaft of light reaching into the profundus. That light shone on Wesley himself so that he saw himself in a different way to that which he had seen before.

Sung Eucharist – The Holy Family – 29 December 2024

Christ’s birth was not just a miracle but a proof of God’s love for his creation by his breaking back into the world in the form of His Son.


Holy Communion – Christmas Day 8am – 25 December 2024

But beyond the glitter, what does Christmas actually mean for you? What does it mean for you not just in general terms but what does it mean for you this year in particular?


Choral Eucharist – Advent 3 – 15 December 2024

It was locusts and wild honey that fed him, it was camel’s hair and a belt that were his clothing. John the Baptist’s exhortation to those who followed him, and, as we ponder his leading us, his exhortation to us, is to repentance. Repent, he said. He didn’t exactly win his hearers over with flattery or encouragement. ‘You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bear fruits worthy of repentance.’


Choral Evensong – Advent 2 – 8 December 2024

"O that you would tear open the heavens and come down, so that the mountains would quake at your presence— as when fire kindles brushwood and the fire causes water to boil— to make your name known to your adversaries, so that the nations might tremble at your presence!" This is the Advent cry. The cry of the prophets.


Choral Evensong – St Simon and St Jude – 27 October 2024

Our apostles this night are better known as the ones who are not rather than the ones who are. This evening, we celebrate the Feast of St Simon and St Jude. Simon is not Simon Peter, Jesus’ best friend, if you like, the one on which Jesus built his church, the flawed one who misunderstood and panicked and on that dreadful day denied Jesus three times, just when Jesus needed him most. The one who Jesus forgave in such a beautiful way by asking three times if he loved him, to wash away those three denials. Our Simon, Simon the Zealot is not this famous Peter, he is just another Simon, who nonetheless, Jesus chose.


Rev’d Rachel Taber-Hamilton – Pentecost 22 – 20 October 2024

My earliest memories include lessons about the intrinsic value of nature. My mother instilled in me, that every animal, plant, tree, insect, lake and stream, mountain, desert, the oceans, star and moon, and the Earth itself has value - not because humans ascribed value to them but because to be in existence is to belong to something much bigger than the self.


Choral Eucharist – Pentecost 21 – 13 October 2024

He is trying to cut a deal. A deal in which he will earn eternal life. He is a good man, this man who runs up and kneels before Jesus. He senses that Jesus knows the way to eternal life. His longing for this life and his sense of the holiness of Jesus are clear. He is not like the religious leaders who try to trap Jesus. He is sincere. But he wants to cut a deal. What must I do? What actions and commitments of mine will give me, in exchange, eternal life?


Choral Eucharist – Pentecost 15 – 1 September 2024 – Season of Creation

In the Christian tradition the Song of Songs has been interpreted as a depiction of the love between Christ and his Church, reading the Songs as a theological metaphor produces an interesting view of this relationship one in which the two partners are equals, bound in a committed relationship. How shall we ponder this song about love as we enter the Season of Creation, as we embark on a piece of time when we consciously allow our concern for the earth, God’s deep love and longing for the health of the earth, to be our focus


Choral Eucharist – Easter 4 – 21 April 2024

A sermon given during the 10:30am Choral Eucharist , by The Rev’d Dr Susan F. Straub, on 21st April 2024.

Easter 4 & Anzac Day

‘The Good Shepherd’

As a little child, my mother taught me a bedtime […]
