The Season of Lent at St Peter’s Cathedral

We will have three Lenten Study groups studying three different books.
Canon Jenny will lead a group on Mondays at 10am (commencing 17 March) studying An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor.
Lynn Arnold will lead a group on Mondays (commencing 17 March) at 7pm studying The Harrowing of Hell by J. S. Jackson.
Bishop Chris will lead a group on Tuesdays at 5pm (commencing 11 March) studying the ABM study God’s Own Country.

Please use the sign-up sheets at the back of the Cathedral.

  • A book of daily reflections on this year’s Hope 25 Celebration, written by the Anglican bishops of Australia, is available from the Cathedral Shop.
  • At Choral Evensong on Sunday evening, the Cathedral clergy will preach a series of sermons reflecting on themes of Christian Hope through the lens of the Five Marks of Mission.

Hope25 Lenten Studies aims to encourage daily reflection on the hope we find in Jesus as we move through the Lenten season toward the joyful observance of his resurrection on Easter Day.
The Lenten study book contains 47 commentaries written by Australian bishops, along with reflections, corresponding to the daily Bible readings from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day. It is organized into six themes focusing on the hope held by Christians, drawing from specific biblical passages. Each theme concludes with a personal testimony from an Anglican parishioner about discovering hope in Jesus, followed by a series of contemplation questions.

Please click brochure for more information.