Social Gatherings
The Cathedral family is a vibrant group of ordinary people who strive to remain inclusive and welcoming. Part of the nature of a Cathedral is that there are always visitors. Please don’t be afraid to ask about our worship and opportunities for you to become part of the community. One of the best ways to begin to get to know people is to stay for morning tea or coffee after the 8.00am and 10.30am services on Sundays.
Home Groups
There are three home groups centred around various locations in Adelaide – Southern, Eastern and City. The groups usually meet in parishioners homes on a monthly basis often for a shared meal. Members bring food to share and meet in homes large enough to accommodate the size of the group. Meeting times may vary from Sunday lunchtimes to Friday or Saturday evenings and even the occasional breakfast.
In a congregation that comes from across the city they are valuable in establishing connections. The Home Groups focus on friendship and fellowship, and keeping a pastoral eye out for each other. They rejoice together when one of the group has a wonderful event, and suffer together when one of the group experiences sadness.
Membership is open to all. These groups enable members of the Cathedral community to meet informally, as members of the Church family of the Church. Parishioners can choose to belong to one or all the groups. You may like to do the circuit and then decide which one you would like to join. You will be warmly welcomed! Keep an eye on the weekly notices for upcoming home group meetings or contact one of the conveners for more information.
Cinema Group
This group attends a film at the Palace Nova cinema complex in Rundle Street, Adelaide on the fourth Monday evening each month. They adjourn to a café afterwards for coffee/supper and to discuss the film. It is an ideal opportunity to have fun, enjoy great films and to introduce other people to the Cathedral community.