It all begins on the evening of Thursday 26 December, 2019!
Adelaide Airport – Farewell Singsong at 8:30pm before departure

Chichester – Saturday 28 December – Evensong
Canticles: Brewer in D
Anthem: Richard Wilberforce (b.1984) My Musick Shine
Preces & Responses: Sanders
Voluntary: J. Alain (1911-1940) Chorale Dorien
Chichester – Sunday 29 December – Matins
Canticles: Howells
Anthem: W.J. Kirkpatrick (1838-1921), arr. by J.V. Peters (1920-1972) Away in a manger
Preces & Responses: Hunt
Voluntary: Karg-Elert (1877-1933) Nun danket alle Gott
Chichester – Sunday 29 December – Eucharist
Setting: Dove Missa Brevis
Motet: Ola Gjeilo (b. 1978) Ubi caritas
Voluntary: S. Preston (b. 1938) Alleluyas
Chichester – Sunday 29 December – Evensong Lay Clerks
Canticles: Ives Magdelen
Anthem: W. Byrd (1540-1623) Surge illuminare, Jerusalem
Preces & Responses: Rose
Voluntary: H. Howells (1892-1983) Psalm Prelude Set 1 No. 2
Canterbury – Monday 30 December – Evensong
Canticles: Mathias Jesus College
Anthem: W.J. Kirkpatrick (1838-1921), arr. by J.V. Peters (1920-1972) Away in a manger
Preces & Responses: Ives
Voluntary: C.V. Stanford (1852-1924) Allegro non troppe e pesante, Op. 101 No. 2
Canterbury – Tuesday 31 December – Evensong
Canticles: Stanford in G
Anthem: F. Poulenc (1899-1963) Quem vidistis pastores dicite
Preces & Responses: Hunt
Voluntary: J.S. Bach (1685-1750) Das alte Jahr vergangen ist BWV 614
Canterbury – Wednesday 1 January – Evensong
Canticles: Brewer in D
Anthem: Richard Wilberforce (b.1984) My Musick Shine
Preces & Responses: Sanders
Voluntary: J.S. Bach (1685-1750) In dir ist Freude BWV 615
Canterbury – Thursday 2 January – Evensong Lay Clerks
Canticles: Ives Magdelen
Anthem: W. Byrd (1540-1623) Surge illuminare, Jerusalem
Preces & Responses: Rose
Voluntary: P. Whitlock (1903-1946) Folk Tune
Canterbury – Friday 3 January – Evensong
Canticles: Jackson in G
Anthem: K. Leighton (1929-1988) Lully, lulla
Preces & Responses: Ives
Voluntary: H. Howells (1892-1983) Psalm Prelude Set 1 No. 2
Westminster Abbey – Sunday 5 January – Eucharist
Setting: Dove Missa Brevis
Motet: Ola Gjeilo (b. 1978) Ubi caritas
Voluntary: S. Preston (b. 1938) Alleluyas
Westminster Abbey – Sunday 5 January – Evensong
Canticles: Stanford in G
Anthem: Jonathan Dove (b. 1959) The Three Kings
Preces & Responses: Hunt
Temple Church – Monday 6 January – Concert
repertoire will include:
Rachel Bruerville (b. 1991) Locus Iste
W. Byrd (1540-1623) Surge illuminare, Jerusalem
Jonathan Dove (b. 1959) The Three Kings
Ola Gjeilo (b. 1978) Ubi caritas
W.J. Kirkpatrick (1838-1921), arr. by J.V. Peters (1920-1972) Away in a manger
Kenneth Leighton (1929-1988) Lully, lulla
Christina Macpherson (1864–1936), arr. Carl Crossin (b. 1953) Waltzing Matilda
F. Poulenc (1899-1963) Quem vidistis pastores dicite
Richard Wilberforce (b.1984) My Musick Shine
C. Wood (1866-1926) Oculi omnium
Coventry – Friday 10 January – Evensong
Canticles: Jackson in G
Anthem: K. Leighton (1929-1988) Lully, lulla
Preces & Responses: Hunt
Voluntary: P. Whitlock (1903-1946) Folk Tune
Coventry – Saturday 11 January – Evensong Lay Clerks
Canticles: Ives Magdelen
Anthem: W. Byrd (1540-1623) Surge illuminare, Jerusalem
Preces & Responses: Rose
Voluntary: S. Preston (b. 1938) Alleluyas
Oxford – Sunday 12 January – Evensong
Canticles: Mathias Jesus College
Anthem: Jonathan Dove (b. 1959) The Three Kings
Preces & Responses: Ives
Voluntary: C.V. Stanford (1852-1924) Allegro non troppe e pesante, Op. 101 No. 2
Choir arrives home Wednesday 15 January!
Regular service schedule will resume on Sunday 2 February, 2020